How do you make Herbal Tea?

Place one teaspoon of herbal tea in an infuser and steep the tea in boiling, filtered water for 5-7 minutes. Once the tea is steeped you can remove the leaves and enjoy your beverage.

Herbal Tea is unique in the fact that it won’t grow bitter the longer you steep it so if you would like to leave your tea leaves in longer to achieve a stronger taste you can do so without worrying about the taste.

Herbal teas can be served cold. Place the tea leaves in the infuser then place the infuser in cold, filtered water and place it in the refrigerator. Let this sit for at least an hour or longer depending on how strong you would like the flavour.

Serving the teas cold or even at room temperature make it easy to take in a water bottle to work or put in the kids drink bottle to drink during the day.

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