
Who are customers most people likely to buy from?

Correct! Wrong!

Why is it important to know as much detail about your product as possible?

Correct! Wrong!

What is one key fundamental trait a salesperson should focus on?

Correct! Wrong!

When selling, is it better to talk about the features rather than the benefits?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the one thing a salesperson should never do?

Correct! Wrong!

What is an essential check you need to do before you start selling?

Correct! Wrong!

What is Social Selling?

Correct! Wrong!

When writing to a customer/client, what should you always do in an email?

Correct! Wrong!

When emailing a client, why is it important to pay special attention to the subject headline?

Correct! Wrong!

How many powerful secrets are there to writing a sales email?

Correct! Wrong!

Module 2 Quiz
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